Why become a member?


Membership in the District 3 Healthcare Coalition is open to all entities or individuals that agree to work collaboratively on healthcare preparedness, mitigation, emergency response and recovery activities. As a member, your organization can build new and stronger relationships with other healthcare organizations and emergency managements teams, learn about available resources in the community, address concerns in the planning process and have access to training and grant funding.

Coalition members also:

  • Build new and stronger relationships with other healthcare organizations and emergency management

  • Learn about available resources in the community

  • Access to streamlined information and resource sharing

  • Address their organization’s concerns in the planning process

  • Participate in district-level healthcare preparedness drills, training, and exercises.

  • Participate in district-level Hazard Vulnerability Assessments

  • Have access to training and grant funding

  • Learn from the experiences of others

  • Often meet certain requirements related to emergency plans and exercises

Coalition Meetings: